9jl6 TIL After being pulled from his car after having a serious accident, Sam Kinison had a conversation with a person nobody else could see, saying “I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die.”, he paused, then asked “But why?”. After another pause, his friend heard him clearly say: “Okay, okay, okay.”
Z8MWB TIL that as comedian Sam Kinison lay dying from injuries sustained from a drunk driver he began saying, to no one in particular, "I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die." He paused as if listening, then said,"But why?" He paused once more, saying, "Okay, okay, okay," and peacefully passing away.
b7M9 TIL Albert Einstein died after refusing surgery, saying:“I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly.”
vDx4 TIL Einstein refused surgery, saying: “I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly.” - he then died the next day
BpBe TIL NBA player Pete Maravich said in an interview when he was 26 that he “didn’t want to play in the NBA for 10 years, then die of a heart attack at 40” He proceeded to have a 10 year NBA career, and then die of a heart attack at 40.
OAYR TIL Triboulet, a jester, was to be put to death by his King. Having served well the King for many years, Triboulet was granted the right to choose the way he would die. Triboulet, with his sharp mind, said he wanted to die from old age. Having no other choice than to laugh, the King let him live.
awVwA TIL: Bees are not supposed to die after they sting. They usually sting away as many times as they want but only die when they sting humans. This is because their barbed stinger cannot cope with fleshy human skin, tearing away their abdomen when they try to pull away after stinging.
Oom8R TIL that the day after Carrie Fisher died, while planning her funeral services, her mother, Debbie Reynolds, said "I want to be with Carrie," then immediately suffered a stroke a died.
ADEEB TIL that one of the 2 co-owners/founders of Macy's died on the Titanic, along with his wife, because he refused to board rescue ships before women and children were helped. His wife chose to stay behind because she did not want to abandon her husband, so they both died together aboard the Titanic.
kOvg TIL that when Spike Milligan died wanted to be buried in a washing machine to puzzle future archaeologists.