› added 11 years ago


TIL Albert Einstein died after refusing surgery, saying:“I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly.”

yVWKe TIL the most successful pirate of all time was a Chinese woman. She became so powerful that she negotiated with the Chinese government to retire in exchange for not being prosecuted and was able to keep a fleet of ships.
mR1x TIL of neuroscientist James Fallon. While examining brain scans from both Alzheimer’s patients and violent psychopaths, he used his family’s scans as a control. One family scan displayed the structure of a psychopath’s brain. After breaking anonymity, he realized the scan was his own.
7rBeM TIL that "the Defenestration of Prague" was an actual historic event that shaped world history and led to 8 million deaths. (Yes, they really mean "defenestration". I never knew how that hilarious word came to be, but turns out this is the origin.)
ADXDd TIL one of Switzerland’s defense strategies is to demolish every main road, bridge and railway access into Switzerland in case of a foreign invasion, with at least 3,000 locations around the country prepared to blow at a moment’s notice.
l7NrG TIL Natalia Tena, who played Osha in Game of Thrones, was denied a pubic wig for her nude scenes despite arguing that her character, a Wildling, wouldn’t shave or trim. She wasn't even allowed to grow out her own hair, as the directors insisted on it being short.