ANGKw TIL: The Brony Jar Incident was done by a NON-Brony as a Joke. Bronies never did it
yV7AJ TIL that “The Girl from Ipanema” is the second most recorded song ever.
m1jPP TIL John Patrick Hannan escaped from prison in 1955 by scaling the walls with knotted sheets just 30 days into a 21-month sentence for car theft and assaulting two officers. As of 2023, he had proceeded to evade capture and holds the world record for longest escape from custody.
DQvKv TIL: In pre revolutionary France, the tax was called the "taille", which was originally a way for peasants to pay to be exempt from the army. However, it was expanded afterwards. Nobles, clergy, and people living in Paris and Lyon were excluded.
vP5b4 TIL, in his suicide note, mass shooter Charles Whitman requested his body be autopsied because he felt something was wrong with him. The autopsy discovered that Whitman had a pecan-sized tumor pressing against his amygdala, a brain structure that regulates fear and aggression.
J1pKQ TIL: That TriStar originally turned down the movie Pulp Fiction, stating: "this is the worst thing ever written. It makes no sense. It's too long, violent and unfilmable." There were also indications that the studio simply saw the project as too low-budget for its desired star-driven image.
pYyNZ TIL: That the use of toilet paper started in ancient China around the 2nd century BC. Prior to this, the ancient Romans used a "tersorium", consisting of a sponge on a stick. The stick would be soaked in a water channel in front of a toilet, and then stuck through a hole at the front of the toilet.
GAGKN TIL last year a shipment that contained "2,536 pre-filled syringes of vaginal tightening gel" was seized at an airport in Minnesota. Officials estimated the individually wrapped pink packages had a resale value of over $19,000.
16Qor TIL that Albert Camus was strongly supportive of the anarchist movement
oRylK TIL King George V of Britain, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia are cousins
dDy9r TIL Paul Allen’s Living Computers Museum in Seattle showcased the world’s largest collection of fully-restored, usable vintage computers and more. Allen died in 2018 and the museum closed permanently in 2020 as none of his family or investors seem to share his passion for computing history
KYGKQ TIL An exhibition of an Édouard Manet painting led to the hiring of armed guards, whose job was to police sobbing and shouting spectators. The painting depicts an unclothed woman reclining on a divan in a brothel.