EgVEw TIL that after the collapse of the Old Egyptian Kingdom, regional warlords (Nomarchs) sprang up as the bloated royal government went bankrupt. The end of the Old Kingdom allowed Nomarchs to control their own resources, significantly increasing the quality of life across Egypt. (2686-2181 BCE)
Y76RA TIL that in the series finale of the 80’s medical drama “St Elsewhere”, the credits feature the “death” of the production companies adorable kitten mascot, Mimsie
Bg6Ek TIL the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation
rNXwo TIL that chicken little is an anti nazi film to teach about the evils of mass hysteria.
NXErJ Today I Learned Maya Rudolph of SNL is in a Prince cover band called Princess
l79xV TIL i learned that some sharks that have no visible gums launch their teeth out when they are about to bite
8ekA4 TIL Fan Tan Alley in Victoria's Chinatown was a popular location for opium factories as until 1908, it was legal to produce opium in Canada. They alley's gambling clubs, cafes and restaurants were most popular in the 1940s since Chinese men had extra cash to spend
P17gV TIL that one company owns Louis Vuitton, Tiffany, Dior, Fendi, Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, Sephora, and Princess Yachts
epER5 TIL the first recorded US College Streaker was a Washington College senior named George William Crump and he ran naked through Lexington in 1804. He was suspended, and went on to become a congressman.
VBWn4 TIL while trying to call home from the International Space Station, British astronaut Tim Peake accidentally called the wrong number.
X0w5j TIL the first depiction of backward time travel is believed to be in the Chinese novel "Supplement to the Journey to the West" (1640) by Dong Yue, which features magical mirrors and jade gateways that connect various points in time.
OGkg7 TIL a poor Mark Twain sold a man a lost dog for $3, then later helped the original owner find the dog for the same amount