› added 7 years ago


TIL In November 2016, North Korea made a state request to officials in China pleading for them to stop referring to ‘glorious leader’ Kim Jong-un as fat. Some of his nicknames in China were: Kim Fatty III, Kim Fat Fatty, and Kim Abundant III.

Px8L TIL some female fireflies mimic the flashes of females of other species to lure in male fireflies to eat them. They are called “femme fatale fireflies.”
LkJ1Q TIL that 'the world's loneliest whale' is called 52 Hertz. The whale is named after the unique frequency of its call and is the only one of its kind. Because its frequency is so unusual, many people believe it wanders the oceans looking for someone that understands them.
nLkY TIL that Norway has something called ‘folkehøyskole’ aka 'people’s college’ where you pay $70,000 a year to live on the school’s property, go to classes of your choice of no academic value, have no exams and take trips to different locations through the year.It’s basically a year-long summercamp.
klkE TIL the English boy band Blue were in NYC on 9/11 and witnessed the attacks. Later, in an interview with a British tabloid, one member said that “This New York thing is being blown out of proportion” and “Animals need saving and that’s more important.” This caused them to lose a US record deal.
WkQnX TIL in 2012 Pfaff Auto, a Toronto Porsche dealer, took pictures of the Porsche 911 in front of prospective buyers' homes and sent them the pictures with test drive invitations. The campaign achieved a 32% response rate.