› added 2 years ago


TIL of George Remus, rumored to be the inspiration for The Great Gatsby - He was a pharmacist, prohibition bootlegger, lawyer, and is known for pioneering the temporary insanity defense, which later helped his acquittal following the shooting of his wife, Imogene

WkG89 TIL a 1485 poem describes the knight who killed Richard III as having 'shaved the boar's head.' This was thought to be a metaphor for beheading until his bones were discovered. The back of Richard III's skull had been sliced off. According to a French chronicler, it had been done with a halberd.
aKeN TIL Communists and Socialists who joined the Nazi Party were called ‘Beefsteak Nazis’ and in the 1930’s it was estimated that they made up to 70% of new recruits to the SA paramilitary.
JYKw8 TIL of the Sulimov dog, which was created from a hybrid between 2 Lapponian Herder dogs and 2 golden jackals for Russia's largest airline, Aeroflot. It was bred together with various other breeds for 7 generations to increase trainability and establish a breed.
R5DN7 TIL about Desmond Doss. The movie Hacksaw Ridge tells his story of saving the lives of 75 men. The truth is more incredible. The number was closer to 150 and he did so with a shattered arm, something not depicted in the movie, as the director felt it would be too much for the audience to believe.
7wXr TIL that NASA has discovered stars with temperatures lower than the human body. The star ‘WISE 1828+2650’ is less than 80 degrees Fahrenheit (25 Celsius).