› added 3 years ago


TIL the British rail service is so ludicrous that one delay was caused because the Train Operator and Network Rail would not agree about the size of a Pheasant that was hit.

GYJNG TIL of the 'Voyager Golden Records' - phonograph records attached to both Voyager spacecraft. The records contain sounds and images e.g. waves breaking, chosen to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth, and are intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life form who may find them.
nbwo TIL That poorly designed doors (doors that aren’t obvious if you push, pull, turn a handle, etc to open) are called “Norman Doors” and are named after Don Norman who writes about how it should be obvious as to how everyday items function
8e9mK TIL That a US postal worker out on disability for her shoulder was charged with fraud after being seen on The Price is Right spinning the big wheel, twice.
R7kK7 TIL The most popular type of oranges in the world is called Navel Oranges. They originate from a tree which mutated 200 years ago in Brazil and they are seedless, because the tree is seedless it cannot propagate normally and all navel orange trees are born from cuttings rather than seeds.
R54j TIL that a police officer offered to split a lottery ticket with a waitress at his favorite restaurant in Yonkers, NY in place of a tip. The ticket was a winner worth $6 million, which he split with her without hesitation. “If I say I’ll do something, I do it. I hope money never changes me.”