› added 8 years ago


TIL Rip Torn lost his role in “Easy Rider” to Jack Nicholson after a confrontation at dinner. Dennis Hopper claimed he pulled a knife on him. Torn says Hopper pulled the knife. Hopper repeated the story on the Tonight Show, prompting Torn to sue for defamation, winning $1 million in damages

vPGLK TIL That Robert Todd Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln's eldest son, was close to or directly at all three presidential assassinations that happened during his life time. He swore off presidential events as a result fearing his presence meant a president would die.
7rkbr TIL that in 1913, Freud, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler were all living in the same neighborhood in Vienna, Austro at the same time.
Lxnv TIL that juries are significantly more likely to find a defendant guilty in death penalty cases than non-capital cases. This is largely because jurors who oppose the death penalty are struck, preloading the jury with jurors who have a prosecution bias.
DGmj TIL in response to an interview where Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party, was asked what white people could do to support the Black Panthers, he replied that they could form a White Panther Party. The WPP was founded thereafter.
E1oQd TIL that America's first space shuttle, The Enterprise, was supposed to be called The Constitution but had its name changed after a massive write-in campaign from Star Trek fans. At the dedication, Gene Roddenberry and cast members from the show were in attendance.