› added 1 year ago


TIL in 1926 a Canadian financier’s will left his Jamaican holiday home to 3 men who despised each other - as long as they lived in the property together; shares in a jockey club to anti-horse-racing advocates; and shares in a brewing company to Protestant ministers who opposed alcohol consumption.

x6JL5 TIL that the Kingdom of Portugal and the Portuguese Republic were founded on the same day (October 5, the Kingdom being founded by the Treaty of Zamora and the Republic being founded by the 1910 revolution).
OGAd4 TIL: that there was a researched conspiracy theory that JFK was accidently killed by the Secret Service when the SS chase car behind was forced to break, causing the SS agent in the car to fumble forward and muzzle check the president, accidently killing him.
JYL8m TIL of the Kaningara tribe of Papua New Guinea, who used to use bamboo knives to cut the flesh of boys and young men, to fill them with the power of the crocodile spirit.
6xQ8 TIL that the Voyager 2 carried a tape recorder whose reels rotated at high speeds which caused issues with its operations. Due to the conservation of angular momentum, the space probe started an undesirable rotation in the opposite direction whenever the tape recorder was turned on.
XWa6 TIL the difference between herbs and spices: herbs come from the leaf of a plant, while spices come from other parts such as roots, bark and seeds. So cilantro is an herb (coriander leaf) while coriander is a spice (coriander seed).