› added 4 years ago


TIL that when Hattie McDaniel won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in Gone with the Wind, the first Oscar won by any black entertainer, she had been sitting at a segregated table at the far wall of the room. The venue had a strict no-blacks policy and had only allowed McDaniel in as a favour.

77Rp TIL American outlaw Billy the Kid was fluent in Gaeilge (the Irish language) and he once acted as a translator for the daughter of an Irish ranch owner when she needed to converse with American ranch hands because she was only fluent in Irish
0K9y TIL That the little piece of paper wrapped with a Hershey’s Kiss is called a NigglyWiggly.
WW44 TIL After Hattie McDaniel became the first African-American to win an Academy Award for her role in “Gone with the Wind” she was accused of being an Uncle Tom by the NAACP to which she responded that she would “rather make seven hundred dollars a week playing a maid than seven dollars being one”.
m1vrE TIL the CIA funded the exhibition of modern art in Europe in the 1940s-60s in order to wage a cultural war on the Soviet Union. Via the Rockefeller Foundation and MOMA, the US government funded abstract expressionist exhibitions believing that they represented a counterpoint to Soviet realism style
KYXdB TIL that Billie Joe Armstrong once dropkicked a guy in the middle of a Green Day concert after he saw him roughing up a young girl. He stopped the show and challenged him to a fight before jumping into the crowd.