› added 5 years ago


TIL of the discovery of hundreds of fossilized Pterosaur eggs in the Gobi desert. The eggs belong to a previously known species of pterosaur that lived in China more than a hundred million years ago. One such fossil suggests a wingspan of 36 feet making it one of the largest animals ever to fly

loGeK TIL that sailors slept in hammocks, as they stayed well balanced even if the ship was in motion. The Royal Navy formally adopted the sling hammock in 1597 much after Columbus discovered them in the Bahamas. Sailors got so accustomed to hammocks that they even took them back on leave.
Br8yk TIL the “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service” signs commonly seen on the doors of stores went mainstream in the 1960’s as an attempt to keep hippies from shopping.
Lk8Jv TIL that over the last decade, there have been at least 15 cases of athletes who have died from over-hydration during sporting events. Too much fluid consumption can cause serious health issues by diluting the sodium in the blood, which creates a swelling of the brain and lungs
jv6X TIL in 1943, a Mexican farmer named Dionisio Pulido had a volcano start to form in his corn field. By the early 50s it was over 400 meters tall. Before being evacuated and leaving his home for the last time, he left a sign that read “This volcano is owned and operated by Dionisio Pulido.”
m14YO TIL The Lego sequence in “Spider Man: Across the Spider-Verse” was done by a 14-year-old animator, after the filmmakers were so impressed by his fanmade Lego recreation of the trailer