› added 3 years ago


TIL that Walt Disney accidentally "kidnapped" Richard Nixon by dispatching his monorail train before the Secret Service could get on. The agents ran after the train and attempted to jump onboard but the doors had already closed. Monorail pilot Bob Gurr was terrified; Nixon got a kick out of it.

4XnyJ TIL the Chinese government estimates almost 50 percent of the current housing stock — or everything built before 1999 is of such poor quality it will need to be demolished within 20 years.
Wogd TIL a study by Princeton sociologists on discrimination in university admissions concluded that on SATs, blacks had an advantage of +230 points, Hispanics +185, and athletes +200. Asians had a -50 handicap. To have the same odds of admission as a black student who scored 1110, Asians need a 1550.
9KeQ TIL Kosher salt is not called “Kosher” because the salt itself is specifically certified as kosher. Rather, Kosher salt got its name because this larger grained version of salt was used in the process of koshering meat, specifically to remove surface blood from meat.
QJ9DX TIL that the variant of the word okay - “OK” - is derivative from Martin van Buren’s nickname “Old Kinderhook” and was popularised by his rallies for the 1836 US election
VBQo4 TIL that Louis Armstrong was initially considered for the role of King Louie in Disney's 1967 ''Jungle Book'' but one of the writers said 'You know the NAACP is going to jump all over it having a black man playing an ape – it would be politically terrible' so the part went to Louis Prima.