› added 3 years ago


TIL Dr. Seuss attended Oxford but never received a degree from there as he met his future wife, Helen Palmer, who encouraged him to drop out. Helen would commit suicide leaving Dr. Seuss without any children which is where he famously said "You have 'em, I'll entertain 'em".

XEb4E TIL as of 2019, the quit rate of U.S. employees was at a record-breaking high of 2.3%, the highest it's been in 15 years. That number remained unchanged for 11 straight months, from June 2018 through May 2019, making the longest static period for the rate on record.
R5gJ6 TIL Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus is believed to have been made dictator of Rome on two separate occasions. On both occasions Cincinnatus quickly dealt with the problem at hand and resigned after 15 days in 458 BC and 21 days in 439 BC.
7G4x TIL that during the Apollo 11 mission, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left a small satchel on the moon containing Yuri Gagarin’s medals, to commemorate his achievement of being the first man in space.
O1xe TIL Ancient Babylonians had a sophisticated understanding of astronomy and were even able to track planets such as Jupiter with mathematical precision.
LLpv TIL in 1977 Jose Campos Torres was arrested for disorderly conduct and severely beaten by six police officers. The city jail would not process him due to his injuries and ordered the officers to take him to the hospital. Instead they took him to the bayou where they pushed Torres in and he drowned.