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TIL about Marvin Creamer an American college professor who became the first person to sail around the world without any navigational equipment. He relied on the sun, stars and moon to guide him instead of a compass, sextent, clock or any other type of navigational instrument.

xmMk TIL TV show “MAS*H” was never intended to have a laugh track. CBS forced the show’s creators to compromise that laughter was to be played over all scenes except surgery scenes to lighten the show’s mood. The show was aired in the UK without a laugh track, as the creators intended
4alw TIL Sperm whales only have one blow hole which evolved from the left nostril. The right nostril is located inside the front of the whale’s head and has evolved into a pair of lips used for echolocation.
6E1nQ TIL 22-yr-old Canadian man John McCue took it upon himself to fill potholes with the sign: "I filled the potholes. Pay me instead of your taxes." Drivers gave him cash, coffee and joints for filling in potholes.
l7PvA TIL That in 1978 Jimmy Carter signed the Home Brew act (H.R.1337) into law, making it legal for small businesses and individuals to brew beer - kicking off the craft brew revolution in the United States and forever changing the world of craft beer.
AD0pw TIL of The Architect of Sleep a Scifi/fantasy novel about an alternate earth where raccoons developed opposable thumbs instead of apes. It was intended to be a trilogy.But, furries became obsessed with it, causing the author to refuse to finish it.