› added 2 years ago


TIL that purple became associated with royalty due to a shade of it named Tyrian purple, which was created using the mucous glands of Murex snails. Even though it smelled horrible, this pigment was treasured in ancient times as a dye because its intensity deepened with time instead of fading away.

MAVK TIL that Texas banned prisoners’ choice of last meal after Lawrence Russell Brewer requested 2 chicken fried steaks, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, fried okra, 1 lbs of BBQ, 3 fajitas, a meat lover’s pizza, a pint of ice cream & a slab of peanut butter fudge w/ crushed peanuts and ATE NONE of it
mMKp TIL the average lifetime cost of raising a dog is $23,410
kOrkm TIL almost an entire French town in 1951 was poisoned by ergot, the fungus LSD is made from. ”I am dead and my head is made of copper and I have snakes in my stomach and they are burning me,” screamed one man before trying to jump into a river
wLe41 TIL That Mussolini's Fascist Revolutionary Party tried to "out-socialist the socialists" in Italy's 1919 elections & the socialists received 40 times as many votes. Mussolini lost so badly that he received zero votes in his home town & the socialists held a mock funeral procession for his career.
j4Rv TIL that when filming the movie Titanic they only built the port side of the ship. Scenes showing the starboard side were flipped in post production. As a result of this everything on the starboard side of the ship, from lettering to the buttons on costumes, had to be backwards during filming.