› added 6 years ago


To strain out the nasty stuff we breathe in. It’s like an air filter in your house, says Justin Turner, an otolaryngologist (short, sort of, for otorhinolaryngologist, Greek for ear (oto), nose (rhino), and throat (laryng)) at Stanford University. Nose hairs trap dirt, viruses, bacteria and toxins until we blow them out, sneeze, or swallow.

kJrdg TIL the Wheeling, West Virginia Suspension Bridge over the Ohio River was built in 1851 to accommodate horse and buggy crossings. For almost 170 years is was able to handle the changing vehicle traffic until a tour bus in 2019 ignored multiple warnings and got stuck under a height barrier.
KxKJ TIL that after a 1946 plane crash, Howard Hughes decided he did not like the design of the hospital bed he was laying in. He called in his engineers and had them design a new bed that would allow someone with severe burns to move freely. It became the prototype for the modern hospital bed.
X00ZP TIL in 1994, mathematician Peter Shor created a fast way to factor numbers in a quantum computer. The first quantum computer wouldn't be invented until 1998.
8aPvZ TIL after Janet Jackson's incident at the Super Bowl halftime show, Viacom retaliated by keeping her music off their properties including MTV, VH1, and radio stations. They also rescinded her invitation to the Grammys. Justin Timberlake was still allowed to go and actually picked up some awards.
grZY8 TIL that the European Union suppressed a 300-page study that found piracy doesn’t harm sales