› added 7 years ago


TIL in the 1950s, hundreds of babies were on loan from orphanages to various U.S. universities. There, students could practice the latest child-rearing theories of the day on a real newborn. After a year or two, the babies would leave their multiple mothers to find homes in adoptive families.

Y76dG TIL Engineer Amos Neyhart originated driver education programs in the United States by starting to teach students how to drive in 1933. A drunk driver hit his parked car in 1931 and he believed that the frequency of traffic accidents was due, in part, to the lack of driver training
wopMP TIL that Edgar Allen Poe advocated for the land of the United States of America to be named Appalachia instead.
69o7W TIL: Thomas Midgley, the inventor, played an important role in introducing two environmentally disastrous products - leaded gasoline & chloro flouro carbons. At 51 he contracted polio and 4 yrs later he was strangled to death by the device he devised to allow him to get out of bed unassisted
696ZY TIL a film director who faced a two-year prison sentence for animal cruelty in his movie was exonerated after props made by special effects artist Carlo Rambaldi were exhibited in the courtroom. Rambaldi went on to win three Oscars for his work in King Kong, Alien and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
rN7BM TIL that there is a LEGO model called ‘Braille Bricks’ designed to help visually impaired children learn Braille through play. Each brick corresponds to a letter or number in the Braille system, allowing kids to learn tactile reading in a fun and interactive way.