› added 9 years ago


TIL when Gangnam Style surpassed ~2.15 billion views on Youtube, the View Counter went negative, causing Youtube to release a statement saying “We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met PSY.”

LQveP TIL the world's heaviest free-roaming tortoise is an Aldabra giant tortoise named Esmeralda who weighs 670 pounds (304kg), lives on Bird Island, Seychelles & is thought to be as much as 170 years old. He was named by famous botanist/zoologist Lyall Watson.
NZ9M TIL that the original surveyors of Mount Everest lied and added 2 feet to its height to make it 29,002 feet, because they didn’t think people would believe them if they said it was really 29,000 feet high.
LkoGm TIL: The White Mulberry tree flings its pollen at over half the speed of sound through stored elastic force within its anthers.
4XDmN TIL While being in exclusivity arrangement with Argonaut studios, Nintendo rejected 2 games by Argonaut (Yoshi 3D game prototype and Starfox 2) then made Mario 64 and Starfox 64 based on those games ideas and code without giving credit or a penny to Argonaut, then ended all agreements with them.
b6eAN TIL that when planning Raiders of the Lost Ark, Steven Spielberg wanted Arnold Toht to be a cyborg, with a metal arm that could turn into a flamethrower or machine gun, and have a light instead of an eye. George Lucas rejected these ideas as too far-fetched.