› added 1 year ago


TIL that Charles Joughin, Chief Baker on the Titanic, helped passengers board lifeboats and was “boozed up”, which allowed him to withstand the frigid temperatures. He threw chairs overboard to use as flotation devices, and some say he was the last to enter the water, where he survived for 2 hours.

gok4 TIL dust / dirt devils are called “djin” meaning “genie” or “devil” in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, and Jordan. This is where the mythical genie came from and why genies are typically depicted without legs.
ADdyd TIL there is a group of genes (HOX) that code for the proper formation of limbs in most animals. When flies have defective HOX genes, instead of antenas, they grow more legs
p5dG TIL Sir James Barrie, the creator of Peter Pan, gave the copyright of Peter Pan to the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital of London upon his death. Barrie’s only condition was that the hospital never disclose the income brought in from royalties.
9YRjQ TIL in Mexico prison breaking is not illegal. The legal system notes that all citizens have a fundamental desire to be free, so you cannot be punished from attempting to escape jail. If no other laws are broken, those who are caught must only return to jail to complete the rest of their sentence.
xVEXB TIL that when Apple began designating employee numbers, Steve Jobs was offended that Wozniak received #1 while he got #2. He believed he should be second to no one, so he took #0 instead.