› added 1 year ago


TIL an eggcorn is the alteration of a phrase through the mishearing or reinterpretation of one or more of its elements, creating a new phrase having a different meaning from the original but which still makes sense and is plausible when used in the same context.

W7e8X TIL that E.T.'s race appears in star wars the phantom menace and it is said that E.T. thought it was home when first seeing a kid in a yoda costume
KlZE TIL A Canadian genius that specialized in ballistics was designing a super cannon to cheaply shoot objects into orbit. Canada and the United States cancelled the joint project. While devastated that his dream would never be seen, he was approached by another financial backer: Saddam Hussein.
mxEdM TIL a woman suspecting her husband was cheating followed his car to a home and broke in looking for him. It turned out she was at the wrong place and the occupant of the home shot her dead.
0we9j TIL that the defunct Pan Am Airlines used to weigh their stewardesses before each flight, to ensure they didn't weigh over 140 pounds. On top of that, they had to be between 5'2 and 5'9, agree to retire by 32, not be married, no older than 27 to apply, not have children, and not be pregnant.
nvnY TIL Mark Twain was born during a visit by Halley’s Comet and predicted he would die during its next visit. He wrote “here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together” He died the day after Halley’s Comet returned.