› added 5 years ago


TIL in 1900s there was a death row inmates baseball team and their executions were dependent on their performance.

PXWO TIL that the main programmer responsible for writing and maintaining the GNU Privacy Guard (used by journalists and security professionals) almost went broke, but he received funding from Facebook, The Linux Foundation and Stripe after an internet article pointed out his dire financial situation.
rZaW TIL that a daycare in Israel had an issue of parents picking kids up late and decided to start punishing the parents by making them pay a fine. Surprisingly, the opposite effect occured and more parents started leaving there kids at the daycare and picking them up late.
W1vB TIL there is a band called ‘NǽnøĉÿbbŒrğ VbëřřĦōlökäävsŦ’ (pronounced 'Nanocyborg Uberholocaust’) originating from Antarctica. It was formed by two scientists who happened to have similar tastes in music. Their first album, 'The Ultimate Fate of the Universe’, was recorded at the exact south pole.
wbxM TIL that a ‘party truck’ owned by Johnny Cash started a brush fire that “roasted, into near extinction, 49 of the 53 endangered California condors”, the largest bird in North America, from their last habitat. When brought to court, Cash said “I don’t care about your damn yellow buzzards.”
N7Z4M TIL that double-barreled bolt action rifles exist. They have two triggers, one for each barrel. With just one movement of the bolt, both spent cartridges come out and fresh ones are loaded in.