› added 7 years ago


TIL that diarrhea was the leading cause of death in the American Civil War and soldiers had an honor code against shooting someone that was pooping.

eoKg TIL in 2007, the largest Colossal Squid was captured by fishermen. They froze it for preservation, but when scientists decided to dissect it, they considered using a giant microwave to thaw it, since letting it thaw normally would take days and the outside of the squid might rot before the inside.
VMGYZ TIL Sacagawea, Native American kidnapped, enslaved and sold as a wife at age 12, helped guide the Lewis & Clark Expedition through the Rocky Mountains. Her route was later chosen as the optimal path for the Northern Pacific Railroad to cross the Continental Divide.
VMBnG TIL in the United States it is illegal for the government to have a gun database that ties a weapon directly to an owner. The Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986 banned the government from ever instituting such a system. A national registry database can't be implemented.
XEVgR TIL Grizzly bears' muscles suffer no atrophy despite months of inactivity in hibernation; scientists discovered that non-essential amino acids (NEAAs) regulated by particular grizzly bear muscle proteins allowed muscle growth during inactivity.
e0APk TIL Jon Bon Jovi's parents were attending a wedding in 1987 when they recommended the wedding singer try out for their son's friend's band. The singer was Sebastian Bach, and the band became Skid Row