› added 11 years ago


TIL Eddie Van Halen has a registered patent with the most epic patent drawing ever made – scroll to 2nd page.

aOVN TIL there’s a town in the US that is “surrounded” by Canada. Since it only has a primary, school, high school students need to travel 40 minutes and cross international borders four times a day
W7wm8 TIL that in 2004 the owner of the Marineland amusement park in Canada purchased a nearby trailer park for an expansion and evicted all 47 families living there, leading to the suicide of 63 year old Paula Millard. The expansion never happened and the lot is still abandoned.
4aYN TIL of Erik Wolpaw, an employee at Valve that was sick for an extended period of time. Gabe Newell surprised him by offering an extended leave with pay. “Your job is to get better,” Newell said. “That is your job description at Valve. So go home to your wife and come back when you are better.”
rNNm4 TIL hummingbird feeders need daily cleaning in hot weather bc nectar spoils in heat & sickens the birds. Several ways to protect their food from overheating include: place feeders in shade, freeze nectar into small cubes & fill feeders with them to delay heating, wrap in foil, use glass feeders.
WJV9 TIL Many investigators believed that some if not all the crew of The Challenger disaster survived the explosion unharmed and were conscious for the full 2 minutes 45 seconds it took for the Crew Cabin to return to Earth, before being killed by collision force when the module hit the sea.