› added 9 years ago


TIL of Erik Wolpaw, an employee at Valve that was sick for an extended period of time. Gabe Newell surprised him by offering an extended leave with pay. “Your job is to get better,” Newell said. “That is your job description at Valve. So go home to your wife and come back when you are better.”

rP0e TIL a NY woman was startled to hear a loud crash in her apartment kitchen followed by the sounds of someone breathing inside her wall. The man inside had climbed into an air vent before falling six stories and getting stuck. He said it was part of the initiation for being new to the building.
WkaBB TIL of Anton's syndrome, a disorder where people believe they can see when in fact, they are cortically blind. They can't be convinced otherwise though and will be very offended if you point their blindness out and start confabulating/making things up when asked what exactly they are seeing.
nYmo TIL that it takes approximately 4 litres of water to produce a 1 litre plastic bottle of water
Y7ZeP TIL That the most polluted place on the planet is Lake Karachay, located near the Ural Mountains in Russia. In 1990, standing on the shore for 1 hour would give you a lethal radiation dose of 600 roentgen, more than enough to kill you.
5YOPk TIL that patients who suffered from aphasia, the inability to express speech, can start to produce words by singing. This is because aphasia damages the left hemisphere of the brain, while singing uses the right hemisphere.