› added 4 years ago


TIL of 145 rue Lafayette, Paris. It's a fake building designed to look like a real building. It functions as part of the ventilation system for the Paris subway.

pypA TIL there is a hungarian nazi terrorist group called Betyársereg, whom you can call if you are in “trouble” and their squad will come and help you out. They don’t charge for their “services” if Roma people are involved.
lo8vG TIL that sign language includes very few words about astronomy, making it hard for those who are deaf to talk about space. The International Astronomical Union just created about 50 signs to replace words like "constellation" that previously had to be spelled out letter by letter.
9YPnB TIL Australian school authorities once accidentally gave a standardized history exam asking students to analyze a painting of the Bolshevik Revolution with a giant robot in the background. When apologizing, they promised "new guidelines governing the use of internet-sourced material in exams."
p8jgp TIL About 73 year old Harriet Baker. ~1990, her husband died leaving her their fully paid home. Scientologists learned of the home, told her an audit could cure her of grief, supplied her with a $45,000 mortgage and then took it for her audit
MwPa TIL that no special effects were used to achieve zero gravity in the movie “Apollo 13”. Through 612 flight parabolic, approximately 4 hours was spent filming on board NASA’s “Vomit Comet” The KC-135, an aircraft designed to train astronauts for the weightlessness of space.