› added 4 years ago


TIL that in during WW2, an American bomber -ye olde pub- was nearly shot down. A German fighter gave chase and once in range, he noticed the dead and injured crew and the terror in the pilots face. He didn’t attack and escorted the plane. Both pilots survived the war and finally met in 1990

LNw9 TIL In 1883 a bullet meant for Henry Ziegland hit a tree behind him. All was well until 20 years later when Henry decided to dynamite said tree, causing the bullet to fly into his head and kill him.
xr8k TIL that when Martha Washington recalled the two saddest days of her life the first was December 14, 1799 when her husband died. The second was in January 1801 when Thomas Jefferson visited Mt Vernon. “Next to the loss of her husband” Jefferson’s visit was the “most painful occurrence of her life.”
a8EKo TIL that the Joker's appearance is based on actor Conrad Veidt as he appeared in the film The Man Who Laughs from 1928
ddxQ TIL While serving as the POTUS in 2002, President Bush choked on a pretzel causing him to lose consciousness and hitting his head on the way down. The only reason he survived is because the pretzel dissolved allowing air to enter back into his lungs where he regained consciousness.
W7YPB TIL that some male partners of pregnant women experience “Couvade Syndrome,” or sympathetic pregnancy, where the man’s body mimics pregnancy symptoms like extreme weight gain or morning sickness due to actual hormonal changes beyond their control.