› added 5 years ago


TIL in 1987, Steve Rothstein purchased an AAirpass ticket for $233,509. During the 10 years Rothstein owned the pass, he flew more than 10 million miles, earned over 40 million frequent flier miles (all of which he gave away) and made more than 500 trips to England, costing the company $21 million.

wooV7 Til that: When the Butzke family fled Austria in 1940, they sewed valuables into their son's teddy bear. When German soldiers tried to take the bear, the boy screamed until it was thrown back at him. The valuables helped them start a new life when they immigrated to the U.S
88KP TIL Pixar conceived the ideas for Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, A Bug’s Life and Wall-E in one lunch during the production of Toy Story in 1994.
p8Ma4 TIL bacon ice cream started as a joke in a 1973 Two Ronnie's sketch and was later made for real in 1982 as an April Fools joke. By 2005 however, chef Heston Blumenthal would be serving bacon ice cream at his 3 Michelin star restaurant, the Fat Duck - the #1 restaurant in the world at the time.
7rG8x TIL during the German invasion of the USSR in WW2, Nazi forces captured Stalin's son, Yakov Dzhugashvili. When the Nazis proposed exchanging him for their captured field marshal Frierich Paulus, Stalin retorted "I will not trade a marshal for a lieutenant." Dzhugashvili was later executed in 1943.
ADZRB TIL Juan Catalan's murder charges were dismissed after background footage from "Curb Your Enthusiasm" filming showed he was at a Dodgers game at the time of the murder, confirming his alibi.