› added 4 years ago


TIL that an alligator terrorizing Chicago locals was captured and named Chance the Snapper by the local Herpetological society

Brjlx TIL of the "cargo cult" belief, in which pre-industrial societies mimic western activities, such as the building of mock airstrips, and performing daily rituals such as dressing as parading soldiers, which they believe will cause spiritual agents to deliver highly desired cargo such as in WW2 arenas
Pkxg TIL The name ‘Smith’ is so popular because they stayed home and made weapons whilst other family names died in the war.
X0k18 TIL Father Alec Reid, a Catholic priest who secretly worked to end decades of bloodshed in Northern Ireland between 1960s-1998, unsuccessfully tried to stop two British soldiers (Protestant side) from being shot by the IRA, while carrying crucial secret letter outlining peace negotiations.
Z86KY TIL when McDonald's closed all its restaurants in Iceland in 2009, a man decided to buy his last hamburger and fries to see how long it would take to decompose. 10 yrs later, curious observers can watch a livestream of the burger & fries from its current location in a glass cabinet in Snotra House.
VMYgk TIL that in most places in Switzerland, they won’t collect trash that’s not in special bags that are sold with a built-in fee. Recycling, however, is cheap or free. As a result, Switzerland recycles 54% of solid municipal waste (double the European average) and 76% of recyclable items