› added 2 years ago


TIL Mountain Dew was originally invented in the 1940s to be mixed with (often homemade) whiskey

ZYyD TIL that during the Falklands War, British soldier Philip Williams was knocked unconscious by an explosion. When he awoke the next day he was lost and walked aimlessly for months. He was declared dead before being found 7 weeks after the end of hostilities. He was unaware the conflict had ended.
N7jY1 TIL the Romans not only built aqueducts and other wonders, but a large amount of dams. In Spain alone they built 72, and many of their dams in Europe are still in use to this day. They were mostly used for irrigation, but one example shows they dried up water in order to find gold deposits.
yQ6Ma TIL of Shennong, the Chinese God of Agriculture. Once a mortal man, he invented agriculture and travelled the world to eat every plant in existence to determine to his people which ones are edible, medicinal, and/or poisonous. He eventually poisoned himself, but his deeds raised him to Godhood
J1l9B TIL John Nash, who was portrayed in the movie A Beautiful Mind, died in a car crash with his wife on the New Jersey Turnpike in 2015 while coming home from Norway where he received the Abel Prize
9YMQM TIL: When former slave Jordan Anderson was asked to come back and work for his old master, he replied with a deadpan letter asking for 52 years' back pay as proof of good faith. The letter has been described as a rare example of documented "slave humor" of the period.