› added 10 years ago


TIL During last govt shutdown, AZ Governor took National Guard troops to the Grand Canyon to forcefully reopen the park.

bEDN TIL that a 2006 study concluded that prehistoric predators had excellent vision, surpassing modern birds of prey. Compared to a bald eagle (whose vision is 4x better than ours), Tyrannosaurus rex had eyes that were 13x as precise as a human’s eyesight, meaning it could see prey from 6 km away.
4X1eX TIL At a radiology conference in 1974, Lee Rogers, a physician who had mistakenly swallowed a soda can tab during a basketball game, addressed the hazard to the medical community, which lead to a redesign of a non-removable tab that reduced untold amounts of litter and injury to humans and wildlife.
nWJ9r TIL that until September 2021, Family Guy's Cleveland Brown was voiced by Mike Henry. He chose to step down from the role in 2020 and was replaced by Arif Zahir
8DaP TIL in 1958, Mao Zedong ordered the Chinese people to kill all the sparrows in the country to protect the rice crops. The effort backfired as, without the sparrows to eat insects, the locust population exploded and wiped out food crops, contributing to the starvation of tens of millions of people.
yVjnX TIL that a Gnostic Sect believed that Cain was the first victim of the evil creator deity from the Old Testament. With this, they sided with those believed to be persecuted such as the Sodomites and believed in breaking the laws held within the Old Testament to find escape from the material world.