› added 9 years ago


TIL that in the Brothers Grimm version of Cinderella the ugly stepsisters cut off their toes and heels respectively to fit into the slipper. Each time the Prince is fooled, and requires doves to point out dripping blood. The same birds later peck out the sisters’ eyes during Cinderella’s wedding.

xV5Q7 TIL Henry Rollins and his friend Joe Cole were held up at gunpoint. Henry escaped but Joe was murdered. Rollins later said he kept a plastic container full of soil soaked with Cole's blood. Rollins said, "I dug up all the earth where his head fell ... I say good morning to him every day"
6vX TIL The man third in succession for the Presidency of the United States once pried a live grenade from his arm after it had been blown off and then continued to use his machine gun with his one good arm..
aZo TIL that the word “oxymoron” is an oxymoron itself. In Greek, it translates to “sharp dull”.
KOWbE TIL Jeff Lynne initially refused to allow the song livin' thing to appear in Paul Thomas Anderson's Boogie Nights because he has a problem with sex and violence in films. However after PTA provided a screening, Lynne loved it soo much he allowed it to appear in the final scene and credits.
OGkya TIL bestselling author James Patterson's process typically begins with him writing an initial 50-70 page outline for a story and then encouraging his co-writers to start filling in the gaps with sentences, paragraphs and chapters. He also works 77-hour weeks to stay productive at age 75.