› added 1 month ago


TIL that sumo wrestlers have a 65 year life expectancy (5 years shorter than that of the average Japanese male) due to their high risk of diabetes and heart attacks and liver problems resulting from the excessive diet of food and alcohol.

OomLL TIL Natives in Canada had a traditional gift giving holiday nearly identical to Christmas called Potlatch until it was outlawed for being unchristian, hundreds of natives were sent to prison for continuing to celebrate it from 1921 until the law was finally repealed in the 1950s.
LQd0r TIL, Today in history - Arauco War: A series of coordinated Mapuche attacks took place against Spanish settlements and forts in colonial Chile, beginning a ten-year period of warfare.
N7n86 TIL the red velvet ant is a species of parasitic wasp native to the eastern US. It is best known for its extremely painful sting, earning it the nickname cow killer. Female ants lay their eggs on the larvae of eastern cicada killers, and the ant grubs then consume their hosts.
lkO7 TIL George Wallace, the famed segregationist governor of Alabama, got his wife elected to subvert term limits. To do so, he hid her cancer diagnosis from her, lest treatment adversely affect her campaign. The only female Governor of Alabama died less than two hundred days into her term.
eBdg TIL that an Indonesian tribe successfully uses the “gandarusa” bush as a form of male birth control. Scientists say the plant prevents pregnancy by slowing down the activity of certain enzymes in the sperm that help them wriggle into a female’s ovum.