› added 3 years ago


TIL 31 million people in Europe do not have access to basic sanitation, 48 million people do not have piped water at home, and more than 300,000 people still practice open defecation, mainly in the countryside.

Z80Bv TIL: The highest point (The peak of Mount Whitney at 14,494 feet / 4,418 meters) and lowest point (The Badwater Basin area of Death Valley at -282 feet / -86 meters) in the Contiguous United States are both in California, both in the same county in California, and only 88 miles apart.
VbGk TIL that when Jimi Hendrix was born, his father was in the US Army and stationed in another state. He requested a furlough to go and meet his newborn son, but was denied. The next day, he was arrested on no charge and imprisoned for two months with no trial to prevent him from going AWOL.
MLWa TIL it is illegal to smoke in cars with children in Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Maine, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Utah and Vermont. The minimum age of the child varies according to the state.
BrWAy TIL that the story of the Pied Piper leading kids away is based on a historic tragedy that occurred in Hamelin, Germany, during the 13th century. Nothing is conclusively known about the nature of the tragedy, besides a 1384 inscription that reads "It is 100 years since our children left''.
pLDA TIL that Nichelle Nichols did not dislike wearing Uhura’s very short Starfleet uniform on ‘Star Trek’ (1966-1969). She later said, “I was wearing them on the street. What’s wrong with wearing them on the air? I wore 'em on airplanes. It was the era of the miniskirt. Everybody wore miniskirts.”