› added 2 years ago


TIL Idaho passed bill HCR029 in 2005, which praised the film Napolean Dynamite for increasing state tourism. "WHEREAS, any members of the House of Representatives or the Senate of the Legislature of the State of Idaho who choose to vote "Nay" on this concurrent resolution are "FREAKIN' IDIOTS!"

XO16 TIL that when Hitler forced the French to surrender during WW2 he did so on the site where the Germans were forced to surrender in WW1. Not only that but he found the same train carriage used in WW1 and forced the French to sign a surrender in that same train carriage.
0aby TIL the NFL’s New York Jets shipped 350 rolls of toilet paper to London, England, for their clash with the Miami Dolphins. A Jets intern, who had been to London numerous times, had stated ‘the toilet paper was very thin because their plumbing isn’t as good’, so the Jets brought their own.
JYaAv TIL an Ethiopian girl was being brutally beaten by 7 men when a pride of lions chased them away. They even stayed with her until help arrived.
6Ewa7 TIL: An interesting yet unexplained phenomenon is that men have erections while dreaming (REM sleep), even when the dream is void of salacious content. The ancient cultures that believed soul flies away during dreams, typically depict dreaming by an erection and a bird flying away from the body.
rN1d4 TIL about Ashok Khemka, an IAS officer (Indian Civil Service bureaucrat), who has been transferred 54 times in 29 years by state governments, because he keeps exposing corruption.