› added 4 years ago


TIL the earth's center is 2.5 years younger than the outside as a result of gravitational time dilation

OoOQ1 TIL Founded in 1898, the focus for Belgium's Royal Museum for Central Africa has shifted from the degradation the Congolese people faced under Belgian rule to an anthropological celebration and a space for contemporary African art. After a $84 million facelift, it became the AfricaMuseum in 2018
MeMeV TIL the Gemini 3 was named Molly Brown in the hope that it wouldn't sink at splashdown. NASA didn't like this and asked astronaut Gus Grissom to change the name, to which he replied "how about the Titanic?". NASA relented, but this was the last time astronauts were allowed to name their capsule.
epPeJ TIL That Eisenhower's Secretary of Agriculture would also become 13th President of the LDS Church, a position Mormon's believe makes one a prophet who can receive new revelation from God
E1B9X TIL Bing Crosby has the most number 1 hits all time (43) 2: Beatles (24) 3: Elvis(18). Most charted songs (396) 2: Sinatra (209) 3: Elvis (149). His movies have over 1 billion tickets sold (3rd all time). He has 1 Oscar for Best Actor and sang on 13 Oscar nominated songs (4 Winning).
8ZmX TIL in 1988, a retired police officer found Cyril Smith, British MP with 144 accusations of child molestation and abuse, in a home with a sex offender and two drunk teenage boys. He was threatened to be prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act. Nothing happened.