› added 4 years ago


TIL that parasites can manipulate their host’s behaviour to ensure their own transmission. Malaria parasites can manipulate mosquito feeding behaviours such as motivation, persistance in their feeding attempts and avidity to feed on vertebrate hosts in order to increase parasite transmission.

eY0b TIL I learned that persistence hunting, a form of hunting where humans rely on endurance running and their ability to sweat which allows them to force animals to over-heat, is still practiced in several parts of the world.
p8464 TIL the tongue twister "She sells Seashells by the seashore' is about Mary Anning, a woman who sold "curios" which were small fossils at a popular seashore. She went on to discover the Ichthyosaurs and helped discover the Plesiosaurus.
r8O1 TIL that in 1981, a Turkish man shot Pope John Paul II four times but didn’t kill him. After the Pope recovered, he visited the assassin in prison forgave him. The assassin was pardoned at the Pope’s request and 33 years after his crime, he visited Vatican City and laid flowers on the Pope’s tomb.
v1JZR TIL Kodhini, a tiny village in India's southern state of Kerala, has a surprisingly high twins birth rate — 42 of every 1000 births, almost six times as high as the global average of around 6 per 1000 births. No genetic or environmental factor has been ascertained to this phenomenon yet.
Qo5k TIL that Southern sweet tea was originally used to show wealth, as tea, ice, and sugar were all very expensive at the time.