› added 4 years ago


TIL that parasites can manipulate their host’s behaviour to ensure their own transmission. Malaria parasites can manipulate mosquito feeding behaviours such as motivation, persistance in their feeding attempts and avidity to feed on vertebrate hosts in order to increase parasite transmission.

P1Q0E TIL in 2010 The Coca-Cola Company launched an advertising campaign where Facebook users, even minors, would allow them to post embarrassing things onto their feeds for a chance at $1000. They came under fire because "I watched '2 Girls 1 Cup' and felt hungry afterwards" was a possible phrase.
xVPw7 TIL that the pecan industry's success is due to a slave named Antoine, who was a gardener and expert grafter of pecan trees. In 1876, nuts from Antoine's trees were displayed alongside Bell's telephone, the Remington typewriter, Heinz ketchup, and the right arm and torch of the Statue of Liberty.
gxKA TIL that psychopaths typically use too many ‘uhs’ and 'ums’ while talking in order to seem normal ..
1Mr TIL That the Great Wall of China is also known as “The Longest Cemetary On Earth” because it is filled with bodies of the workers who died during its erection
ADEOw TIL Carl Switzer, known for his role as Alfalfa in the Our Gang series of films, later struggled to find roles due to typecasting and became a dog breeder. He was shot dead at age 31 after confronting a man who he felt owed him money related to a reward for a missing dog.