› added 5 years ago


TIL the tongue twister "She sells Seashells by the seashore' is about Mary Anning, a woman who sold "curios" which were small fossils at a popular seashore. She went on to discover the Ichthyosaurs and helped discover the Plesiosaurus.

Oo4DX TIL that Bill Gates' mother, Mary, knew John Opel, CEO of IBM, because both served on the national United Way committee. At Mary's request, Opel set up a meeting with Bill Gates, CEO of then-small software firm Microsoft, to discuss the possibility of using PC-DOS for IBM's about-to-be-released PC.
7r1Db TIL two programmer-musicians wrote every possible MIDI melody in existence to a hard drive, copyrighted the whole thing, and then released it all to the public in an attempt to stop musicians from getting sued.
KYgY9 TIL that in the 1960s, Lemmy Kilmister of Motörhead worked for Jimi Hendrix as his roadie and drug supplier for after-show parties. Lemmy later recalled how he got to see Hendrix perform a whole lot - twice a night for about three months.
OGZRX TIL about "Wa", a Japanese concept usually translated into English as "harmony". It implies a peaceful unity and conformity within a social group in which members prefer the continuation of a harmonious community over their personal interests. The kanji character "wa" is also a name for Japan.
ryX0 TIL The US spent $60 billion rebuilding Iraq after the 2003 war. There is virtually nothing to show for the money. Most of the money seems to have been stolen by US defense contractors, and there’s virtually nothing in Iraq to show for the rebuilding effort.