› added 6 years ago


TIL The sculptor of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Gutzon Borglum, planned to make a secret room behind the hairline of Abraham Lincoln which was supposed to be a doorway to a chamber originally intended to hold some of America’s most treasured documents but was left unfinished due to his death.

gM689 TIL The bazooka was a brass musical instrument created by Comedian Bob Burns. It was several feet in length and incorporated telescopic tubing like the trombone. The military borrowed the nickname for its anti-tank weapon during World War II due to its vague resemblance to the musical instrument.
o7lo TIL that in the show It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the waitress that Charlie has an obsessive crush on is his actual wife in real life. They got married after the first season.
M7xgb TIL the derogatory meaning of 'snake oil salesman' originated to describe people who sold counterfeit snake oil when actual snake oil was widely accepted to be a legitimate medicine.
gMKl8 TIL that galvanic reactions between the State of Liberty's copper skin and wrought iron supports caused the iron to corrode. The Statue required extensive renovation, and was entirely disassembled and Teflon insulation placed in between the iron and copper
Ypebx TIL Naim Süleymanoğlu (AKA The Pocket Hercules) is the 1st and only weightlifter to have snatched 2.5 times his body weight, and the 2nd of only 7 lifters to date to clean and jerk 3x his body weight. He is the only weightlifter to date to clean and jerk 10 kilos more than 3x his bodyweight.