› added 11 years ago


TIL that a 3rd century BC Emperor’s son named Modu Chanyu tested his guards’ loyalty by ordering them to kill his favorite horse and then his favorite wife. Those who refused he executed, and those who didn’t he later ordered to shoot his father. None failed to do so, and he became Emperor.

rRWWo TIL organizers of the Woodstock festival claimed to the authorities in Bethel, NY, that less than 50,000 people would turn up, despite selling 186,000 tickets in advance. The festival ultimately drew an audience of over 400,000, and both Bethel and NY State banned such events in its wake.
rRYox TIL: After WWII, despite signing an agreement to share nuclear information with the UK in exchange for their scientist's help, the US lost the physical copy of the agreement, questioned its authenticity when a copy was sent, and denied British scientists access to their own papers.
rrO0 TIL in 458BC Roman farmer Lucius Cincinnatus was named absolute dictator of Rome during a crises. After achieving victory he resigned and returned power to senate. His resignation of absolute authority is often cited as an example of outstanding leadership, serving the greater good and civic virtue.
4DZJ TIL the Shishi-odoshi, the teetering bamboo fountain accessory in japanese gardens, is meant ward off wild animals from the clacking sound it creates.
0wArp TIL - Hoag's Object is the only known galaxy shaped like a doughnut. Discovered 1950 by Arthur Hoag it has an older yellow core with an outer ring of young blue stars & nothing in between. To add to the conundrum, at the 1 o'clock position there's a smaller version of the galaxy hidden within itself