› added 9 years ago


TIL in the 1980 US presidential election neither Jimmy Carter nor Ronald Reagan were allowed to privately raise funds, as they could only spend the money that was allocated to them under federal election law

oRJaL TIL hundreds of mummified seals have been found as far as 41 miles inland in Antarctica. One tested specimen had been sitting out in the open for 1,500 years. Researchers theorize that 1-2 seals annually get lost during white-out events and accidentally travel inland, where they eventually die.
R7my7 Today I learned how India (who is the largest democracy in the world and has the longent written constitution) preserves her handwritten original copy of Constitution.
DjdY TIL a Romanian-born Israeli and American scientist, engineer, professor, teacher, and a Holocaust survivor, Liviu Librescu, held the door of his classroom during the Virginia Tech shootings sacrificing his life while the gunman continuously shot through the door saving 22 of his 23 students.
aJoM TIL that while in Rome in the 1570’s El Greco dismissed Michelangelo’s Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel and extended an offer to Pope Pius V to paint over the whole work in accord with the new and stricter Catholic thinking.
9YZDQ TIL Brian May, the lead guitarist for Queen and astrophysicist, dislikes smoking so much that he prohibited smoking indoors at concerts before smoking bans became the norm. The dislike for smoking was due to his father’s heavy cigarette use.