› added 6 years ago


TIL that the Chinese use drones equipped with flame-throwers to fight trash stuck in power lines.

awwZ9 TIL of the quietest place on earth is an anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories, where one can sit in complete darkness and silence: producing hallucinogenic feelings like hearing your body’s internal sounds, including heartbeat, and having a heightened self awareness.
8gMa TIL the word “mesmerize” comes from 18th century German physician Franz Mesmer, who used the sounds from Benjamin Franklin’s glass armonica to induce “animal magnetism” in patients. “Animal magnetism” would later be renamed “hypnosis” by Scottish surgeon James Braid in 1841.
9w4AB TIL: The weird robot in Rocky IV is named Sico in real life and was a therapy tool for Sylvester Stallone‘s autistic son. Stallone included Sico in the movie to stay close to his son. After the movie, Sico went on tour with James Brown.
E1jj7 TIL about the Japanese national pillow fighting tournament. The pillow fighters start by pretending to sleep on futons. But when the whistle sounds, they spring to their feet and race to get a pillow. A mix between dodgeball and chess, teams throw pillows at each other while protecting the 'King'.
j6Jwp TIL in 1923; Frank Hayes, A racing jockey was Racing the horse named sweet kiss, Had a fatal heart attack midway through the race and died. The horse and his body crossed the finish line. Making him the first and only racer to win a race after death.