› added 9 months ago


TIL the “Smiley Face Theory,” which alleges that from 1990–2010, 45 young men found dead in bodies of water across the Midwest did not accidentally drown but were rather victims of a serial killer. The only known connection is grafiti depicting a “smiley face” found near at least a dozen bodies.

e0MXD TIL about the Antarctic Snow Cruiser. An impressive 1930's mobile research base that had a short lived, problem riddled expedition on Antarctica before it was abandoned at the start of WWII. Its current location is unknown.
mVMv TIL Sesame Street in Nigeria has a version of Cookie Monster named Zobi the Yam Monster. Since not many Nigerian children have access to cookies, the producers decided to give Zobi an insatiable craving for one of the country’s staple foods. He often shouts out, “Me eat yam!”
XodD TIL Auntie Anne’s make it a point to hire disabled people to pass out samples. The sampler position was created with this goal in mind, he said. It is sometimes hard to find teenagers willing to pass out pieces of pretzel, but many people with disabilities enjoy the public interaction.
vPjb7 Today I learned the largest weight lost ever is held by Khalid bin Mohsen Shaar, who lost a total of 1,195 pounds! Starting at 1,340 pounds (610kg) and ending at 150 pounds (68kg)! He’s listed as the 2nd heaviest human ever at his heaviest.
1p1X TIL during a meeting with the UN, North Koreans came with AK-47s under their jackets. Instead of confronting them American officers turned up the heat in the room to make them sweat under their heavy clothes