› added 7 years ago


TIL That when Christopher Reeve (the man who played Superman) was about to receive the surgery to reattach his skull to his spine after falling off a horse, Robin Williams cheered him up by dressing as his character from Nine Months and proclaiming that Reeve will be getting a rectal exam.

4XLpg TIL that India has more vegetarians than the rest of the world put together.
9YmZG TIL That there is over 7.2 million foxes in Australia thanks to British settlers who imported them in for the purpose of fox hunting
0JRv TIL: Grand Theft Auto 2 was set in 2013
A9va TIL A Greek soccer player was given a life ban for giving the Nazi salute after his winning goal
LbAZ TIL Rich people in China often hire body doubles to serve their prison sentences.