› added 5 years ago


TIL the Feynman Technique is the best way to learn anything. First choose a concept, then teach it to a Toddler, circle back to the concept and fill in the gaps, teach it to the toddler again, keep iterating until you have mastered the concept. Created by a Nobel prize winner Richard Feynman

1aNZd TIL the way Americans speak pre-dates the way English speak. This is because "rhotic speech" spoken in America originally came from England, later the wealthy in order to be different adopted a soft "r", “win-tuh” instead of “win-terr”. It was "posh" to sound like that so everyone else copied them.
yVjrV TIL that the creator of Wonder Woman, William Marston, was a psychologist who was famous for inventing the lie detector. He was also a BDSM enthusiast and a firm believer in the superiority of women, stating that Wonder Woman was an allegory for the type of woman he believed should run the world.
6Eyd8 TIL that Mars has the tallest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons is roughly 22km tall and has a diameter of 600km
6EddW TIL about an outbreak of mass hysteria in Belgium in 1999; hundreds reported cramping, nausea and headaches allegedly from drinking Coca-Cola products. Coca-Cola recalled 30 million products, claiming it had identified the cause of the epidemic. Toxicology experts found no evidence of contamination.
PYeJZ TIL that The Beatles wanted to make a Lord Of The Rings movie before Peter Jackson did, however Tolkien refused to let them.