› added 2 years ago


TIL After seeing its pork production decimated by flu outbreaks, farms across China have been investing billions of dollars into massive high-rise hog-raising facilities popularly known as pig hotels, with one hotel in the Southern China being 13 stories tall and meant to hold around 10,000 pigs.

N0v6 TIL that the “jump” you sometimes get while falling asleep is called hypnic myoclonus.
XEnO8 TIL that US started a major effort to count arrest-related deaths between 2003-2011 employing a specialized team of statisticians with US Bureau of Justice Statistics. The program had to be terminated due to poor participation from the states and lack of funding.
OoRE7 TIL of "interpersonal synchronization" - the feeling of when you "click" with someone. Studies show people's brain waves sync in wavelengths called the alpha–mu band, or what scientists call brain-to-brain coupling, and mirror each other neurologically in terms of what they are focusing on.
v1Z6r TIL that Haiti had to financially recompensate France for lost colonial profits after gaining independence through its successful slave rebellion. This independence debt wasn't paid back in full until 1947.
e9mg TIL: In 1976, Eric Clapton made a speech at a concert to vote for Enoch Powell to stop Britain from becoming “a black colony”, to “get the foreigners out, get the wogs out, get the coons out”, and repeatedly shouted “Keep Britain White”. Rock Against Racism was formed, in response.