› added 11 years ago


TIL That Cloud Atlas, with a Budget of 102 million is one of the most expensive independent movies ever made.

6NZw TIL As part of their training for End of Watch, Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña spent five months doing 12-hour ride-alongs with on-duty LAPD officers. During Gyllenhaal’s first ride-along, he witnessed a murder.
8QG4 TIL the phrase “cut off your nose to spite your face” refers to a group of 9th century nuns who, to avoid being raped by Viking invaders, sliced off their noses and upper lips, thus exposing the teeth and gums. It kept them from being raped - but not from being burned alive.
KJGJ TIL The CDC has an actual “Zombie Plan” in place. It was started as a joke campaign, but actually evolved into real training and countermeasures because “if you’re well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack
kJArB TIL US President Calvin Coolidge was alarmed at the number of turkeys president's were offered on Thanksgiving. He halted the practice for a short while until 1925 and was then offered a live raccoon 'Rebecca'. He refused to eat her and kept her as a pet at the White House
OoWb7 TIL the oldest known symbolic burial site was found in a cave, south of the modern day city of Nazareth, where a nine-year old was found buried with their legs bent and a deer antler cradled in their arms. The site was dated to circa 92,000 BP, making it about 95,000 years old.