› added 1 year ago


TIL that the younger brother of Hermann Göring, Albert, was anti-Nazi and spent World War 2 defying the regime by helping Jews escape and assisting in sabotage efforts. He later was found innocent at the Nuremburg trials. He died with little to no recognition for his efforts during the war.

eOmn TIL: Squirrels cause seventeen percent of fiber optic cable cuts
eNk6 TIL Michael Jackson was bald and wore wigs to conceal it. Autopsy report confirms.
7rBaP TIL that PETN, a very powerful high explosive, is used as medicine
X0JPP TIL that "genius" is spelled without an "o" , unlike the word "ingenious".
Lk4eP TIL A 9 company cartel fixed the prices of batteries worldwide from 2000 to 2011