› added 1 year ago


TIL Shift work is associated with cognitive decline. Shift work throws of the circadian rhythm which causes hormonal irregularities and various neurobehavioural issues. Decline was seen in processing speed, working memory, psychomotor vigilance, cognitive control, and visual attention.

BrQLk TIL Czar Nicholas II actually wanted to meet with protesters and negotiate solutions, but his ministers rejected that idea and sent in soldiers to shoot at the protesters, triggering the 1905 revolution.
v1yr7 TIL that in Ancient Greece, the famed slingshot mercenaries from Rhodes would often carve taunting messages into their rock projectiles, much like those written on modern-day bombs.
m5Qy TIL of Karl von Müller, Captain of the German WWI vessel the SMS Emden, who would allow the passengers of the enemy merchant ships time to gather their belongings and abandon the ship before sinking it.
W45X TIL that some Cuban cigar factories employed a “Lector” who would read newspapers, political treatises and classical literature aloud to help break the monotony of the cigar-rollers’ work, thus even illiterate cigar-rollers would be well-informed and familiar with great literature.
xDJB TIL that given Sean Connery’s rugged appearance and rough charm, a former lover of his initially thought he was “a most appalling person” and was not attracted to him until she saw him in a kilt, upon which she declared him to be “the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen in her life.”