› added 5 years ago


TIL- God and Jesus are the only "Simpsons" characters with five fingers. The others all have four.

Oxea TIL Verge magazine paid a technology writer to spend one year without going online in order to discover “what the internet has done to me over the years”. In that time he wrote half a novel, lost 15 pounds, and found the lack of constant stimulation drove him to do things he cared about
J1jOB TIL The Japanese art form of Kusôzu, which means “painting of the nine stages of a decaying corpse”, portrays the sequential decay of a cadaver, usually female, in graphic detail. The paintings are meant to encourage contemplation on the repulsive aspects of the body and discourage sexual desire.
NX7wM TIL about the Great "Shawinigan Handshake" Incident of '96 in Canada, when Prime Minister Jean Chretien reacted rapidly, grabbing a protestor by the neck--who had just jumped out aggressively to block Chretien's path--forcing the protestor to the ground instantly with a broken tooth.
XE8e6 TIL of 16th century Korean Admiral Yi Sun-Sin. Although having no prior naval experience, he was undefeated at sea and never lost a single ship. In his most famous battle he commanded 13 ships against the Japanese's 330 and won, all whilst recovering from having been recently tortured.
5gRr TIL Jackie Chan is a classically trained vocalist and has released over twenty albums in over five languages, in addition to providing the theme tunes for several of his earlier films and singing in several Chinese dubs of Disney classics