› added 6 years ago


TIL Terry Crews received a scholarship to attend the Interlochen Center for the Arts in Michigan, a prestigious art school. His first job in entertainment was drawing courtroom sketches for the worst murder case in Flint, Michigan history. The murder who had killed six people was also named Terry.

pY68Q TIL about asteroid J002E3, which was discovered 16 years ago orbiting the earth. It turned out to be the 3rd stage of Apollo 12, which had come back to earth orbit after going around the sun for over 30 years.
ADRPw TIL "Jump Jim Crow" is a song & dance from 1828 that was done in blackface by white minstrel performer Thomas Dartmouth (T. D.) "Daddy" Rice. The term Jim Crow had become a pejorative term for African Americans by 1838 and from this the laws of racial segregation became known as Jim Crow laws
JxR1 TIL That the execution of Nazi resistance leader Hans Scholl took just 52 seconds and that his last words before the guillotine blade fell were “Long live freedom”.
7NB7 TIL that one of the only senators ever assassinated was Leo Ryan who was killed by Jim Jones’s cult members while they were in the process of committing mass suicide. He had come to investigate reports from concerned family members.
5ZMP TIL Elvis once handed Alice Cooper one of his guns and asked him to point it at him to show off his karate skills. Cooper later said that he genuinely wanted to pull the trigger to do something legendary with his life, but Elvis knocked the gun out of his hand and pinned him before he could fire.