› added 6 years ago


TIL Aaliyah maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA through her graduation from high school, saying "I don't want kids to think, 'I can just sing and forget about school.' I think it's very important to have an education, and even more important to have something to fall back on."

LQEnv TIL there’s a percentage of a percentage of the population that will fall asleep when things get too emotional, regardless of where they are or what they’re doing. It’s called Type 1 Narcolepsy.
R7dbl TIL aggression is negatively associated with intelligence. Unintelligent people may experience more frustration, which may lead to aggression. This may also be explained because aggression and intelligence share biological factors.
JDWl TIL that serial killer Ted Bundy took advantage of an obscure Florida law that states that any declaration of marriage in a courthouse with the presence of a judge constitutes a legal marriage. He married during the trial in which he was sentenced to death.
8aLxL TIL 1996 U.S. Cables have detailed how the Saudi Royal Family members received stipends up to $200,000-$270,000 a month, and when a US embassy economics officer visited the office responsible for the distribution, he described it as a place “bustling with servants picking up cash for their masters.”
N79B8 TIL Jane Goodall, who studied and bonded with chimpanzees, appreciating their personalities, minds, emotions, and giving them names early on in her career, said her "favorite animal absolutely is not a primate, it's a dog." It was her dog that taught her not to objective towards chimps.